Life Expectancy

males age 65, overall longevity rose 2 years — from age 84.6 in 2000 to age 86.6 in 2014.

For women age 65, the new data show that overall longevity rose 2.4 years — from age 86.4 in 2000 to age 88.8 in 2014.

“It’s worth considering that 80 years is an expectation from birth. Statistically, the older you get, the more likely it is that you’ll live to an even older age,” Dr Carlton said.

“So a man who is now 50 could expect to live to 82, a 65-year-old to 84, and man who is 85 this year could look forward to a 91st birthday.”

Salad – tomatoes and lettuce only

Long walks seems to be a common theme: 1 hr walk every day

Recently I saw a brain activity scan of a person sitting quietly vs after a 20 minute walk. Massive activity for the walk after 20 minutes.

Could exercise where you “zone out” and don’t realize you are exercising and the brain gets the freedom to think and contemplate lead to increased health and age?

Is there a link between self awareness and longevity?

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